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Moving Towards Smart Home Lighting System

16 Feb 2014

Brightup Mobile app
The brightup app will be available for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone 8.

Companies like Philips, LIFX have already Started Smart Home lighting System.
Brightup is a New Company €130,000 ($178,000 U.S.) on Indiegogo over the next 45 days to build Brightup, with starter packs including a central unit and three in-wall or socket connectors for €199 ($272 U.S.).

Brightup: Central unit, Plug, In-wall Dimmer

The Brightup offers remote control of your lights, but that’s just the beginning.
It also has geofencing so that lights can be set to turn on or off when you enter or leave the house, there’s an ambient light detector that automatically dim your lights when you turn on the TV  for better viewing conditions; the same ambient light sensor detects fading natural light and can tell when the sun comes up in the morning to control light levels. You can schedule it when you are away from home , and you can use lights as a timer.

They claim its really easy to install the kit, no professional help is required. Also it can Measure Energy consumption of Related appliance. and provides remote access that you can share with family members and friends. Brightup uses latest web technologies and encryption to  secure your system. 

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